Saturday, September 27, 2008

She's too good 4 me, and it's too good to be true

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,

Here i am,knocking this keyboard again in this earlybird dawn. Today, at about 4am, I did it again. I sent her another sms, which I know would be disturbing her sleep, her mind (ye ke?), again. Ntah, I juz need an answer. I dun want to sit and wait for results. I want to hear she say something bout this. It's totally uncomfortable receiving a a silent treatment like this. I hate it. But I dun want to be pushing her either. Anyways, it's kinda a relief deep in ma heart as I found the spirit to tell her what's bothering me. X suke gile whenever I saw her, she would be kind of making the annoying face. Am I annoying? Gile bab la. Maybe. But, aku konfius la, one second I could see the smile on her face, but then, tarik muka, again. Aku de wat salah ke? If I did, can she pleaseeeeeee tell me?? Or at least tell me she doesnt like me, hate me, doesnt want to see me again, or whatever. I dun mind. Memang la sedih kan kalau die ckp mcm tu...tapi at least I won't have this mind mingling on the same question, again and again.

But lately, I actually kind of accepting this. At least a little bit kot. Coz she's a very gewd girl. Such a sweet n pious lady is not for me. For the noun "me" and "her" becoming "us", way too good to be true. Yep, I like her, and yep, I'm starting to love her. Tapi, it doesnt mean that she has to be mine. I think she's better off without me. I would rather die than seeing her unhappy with me. I only pray that she will meet sumone that's sekufu with her, sumone yg boleh jage die, sayang die, bimbing die and bawa die ke syurga. Aku? Let me rot. LoL. I'd rather be off in loneliness daripada die dok ngan aku & jd ntah ape-ape. I'm not a good guy, and I noe dat we are from two different sides of the universe. She deserves a lot better than me. Nape la aku jadi bongok sangat slalu doa dapat die, sedangkan I should be aware that if I love her, I want to see her happy. Happy. H.A.P.P.Y. does not contains the letter U N M E, or U n Me. It's just H.A.P.P.Y., and the definitions would be making this blog into a linguistic journal. So, as long she is happy, I am happy. And for her to be happy, there's a lot lot lots of way other than me.

Ngok ngek btol la aku mlm ni. Ni la jadinye kalo sahur mkn kuih n isap rokok je kot. Padahal die x cakap pape pun. tapi, same la kan. X reply langsung tu, maknenye ade la sumthing tu. Sukati la... Yg penting, aku da cakap. If she doesnt like it, then up to her la. Malas aku nak pk dah. Nak pendam perasaan, ur choice. Doesnt want to hurt ma feelings? This hurts way damn a lot. Tapi xpe, not her fault. Aku je yg pk bkn2 sgt. Dah kalo die xnak reply tu, yg aku pegi menggatal msg lg watpe. Kan da semak kpale. Ngokngek!

Pape pun, I admit dat I miss her so much. Just I cant tell her dat. Cukup la dgn msg2 bengong yg aku anta. Rite now, aku bersyukur sebnanye dpt lari drpd rase sesak kat dada aku yg da berkampung sjak aritu. Rase yg buat aku lemah je nak dtg opis. Rase takut nak tgk die avoid aku. So, now, lantak la. Ape nak jadi, jadi. Paling2 pun, aku xyah dtg abim je. Bkn susah pon. Haha.

Dah.Aku nak tgk tv plak. Xpun nak tido. Nak blk kampg ke x ni pon aku x sure lg. Mcm org gile plak org kl ni jalan semua jem dah macam pelarian plak. Salam.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Should I miss dat lady?


It's early morning rite now here, and I'm waiting for Fajr' prayer after finishing my sahur (early meal for fasting). And here I am, pressing all these buttons on this keyboard, thinking of how to say this....

Rite now, and throughout this nite, I think there's this one thing in my mind that I still cant get it out. It's not really a thing, it's a person actually. This one sweet lady that I've been thinking so much lately since the past two weeks. The only one that has been bothering my mind a great deal. i dunno how to say this, but I think she knows that I like her. But I dun hv the nerve to tell her this, and it's not the time,yet, I think.Anyway, it's still too early pun kot. Anyways, I juz keep thinking bout wut she thinks about me. Coz since this past week,she has been avoiding me,my messages. At least that is what I think.
But now, after 12 days, when she kept silence, makes me worries. Actually I dun mind if she doesnt likes me, or that she thinks that I might not suit her. Coz me myself is not sure that I can be the right man. But when it continues like this, it keeps me in a big question mark..???Did I do anythin' wrong that day?Or did I say something that hurts her? Yeah I know sometimes I can be really annoying with this mulut tempayan.But it's just uneasy to be in this awkward situation. I need an answer for a question no one I can ask for.Haha.
So,now,I'm in another question,which leaves me quite a big question mark though some of my friends said there's nothing to worry about.She has left early for her hometown last week.Makes me wonder what actually made her coz next week already starting for balik raya. Hurmmm... my naughty mind already assumes sumthing not good...(not good for me la) balik bertunang ke?hohoh
Xpela, ape2pun, I'm thinking of this~~should I miss her?Dat lady that I realize is so far different from me.We are from two different side of the world.The one that is sooo sweet. X match langsung dengan aku.Adeh.Dah la.Aku nak tido lg bagus.Mengantuk plak.

My Introduction

Assalamualaikum & Good Day To You...

Welcome to my blog. Here I'm blogging using my nick Samurai of Justice. I chose this nickname because I like the idea of Samurai who led their lives being loyal and brave, though sometimes maybe they are only loyal to their masters without considering the cause and effects, but here I like the idea of being a good samurai, virtually posting, my ideas on anything I think will serve the good interests. And Justice, is just something that I think is the best thing to be done, no matter to anyone, anywhere, anytime. So, here comes the Samurai of Justice, online. Haha

Anyway, this blog wont be serving any sides or any ideas, just things that I have in mind, and also things in my life.

Again, welcome to my blog.

Samurai of Justice